



 私どもの研究部門が、これまでの経験の蓄積を踏まえて開発した「教える技法を教える講座」、その名も「インタラクティブティーチング(Interactive Teaching)」が、秋以降、MOOCで一般に無償公開されます。

 「ティーチング:教えること」というと、「できる人」から「できない人」へ何かを伝えるイメージもっていませんか? もし、そういうイメージをお持ちだとすると、「インタラクティブ」と聞いたら、変な気持ちになりませんか? おいおい「ティーチング」とは「インタラクティブ(双方向)じゃなくて、One way(一方向)だろう」と。

「インタラクティブティーチング」というネーミングを行ったのは、ズバリ、それが「狙い」です(笑)。この言葉をあえて「オキシモロン」化することで、問題提起を行いました。「ティーチングとは、インタラクティブ(双方向)じゃなくて、One way(一方向)だろう」とは、私たちは、考えたくないのです。


「よく考えられたティーチング」、それは、そもそも、「インタラクティブ」なものなんだし、だからこそ「クリエィティブ」なものだし、そもそも「コラボラティブ」なものなんじゃないの? 。「インタラクティブなティーチング」だからこそ、クリエィティブで、コラボラティブであり、だからこそ、成果や理解につながるんじゃないの?、と。







 一方、「対面集中講座(3日間:総学習時間18時間 東京開催)」では、オンライン講座で学んだ知識や技法をふまえたディスカッションおよび種々のグループワーク、シラバスや授業案の作成、模擬授業の実施などを通じ、オンライン講座での学びを補い深める実践的な内容が提供されます。対面集中講座については、オンライン講座受講者の中から選抜された半期20名(年間40名)の大学院生を対象として実施します。Face to Faceですので、もちろんガチです。それ以上にハードです。



UTokyo is launching a new free online course called "Interactive Teaching" on MOOC.
On Thursday, 27th March 2014

Center for Research and Development in Higher Education(CRDHE), The University of Tokyo(UTokyo) is launching a new free online course called "Interactive teaching" which aims at enhancing teaching ability of graduate students who want to teach in universities in the near future. This course will be available from autumn 2014 on MOOC(Massive Open Online Courseware) through gacco(http://gacco.org/) which is provided by NTT Docomo Inc. and NTT Knowledge Square Inc.

"Interactive teaching" is provided as a free contribution to society by The Division for Learning Environment and Educational Technology,CRDHE, UTokyo. This project is financially supported by Japan center for Educational Research and Innovation(JCERI).

Recently, developing universities's teaching capabilities by enhancing future professors's teaching skills has drawn the attention of major research universities. Young researchers who can not only research but can also teach effectively are needed in Japan. UTokyo, which sends out researchers to a lot of universities, has decided to provide "interactive teaching" to solve this academic problem.

The free online course "Interactive Teaching" consists of two parts : "Online course on MOOC" and "Face to face workshop".

On the online course on MOOC, people learn how to teach interactively by watching videos (9 × 10 minute videos) and discussing with other learners online and taking a short assessment quiz at the end of each week. It will take 8 weeks for learners to finish all online courses.
On the online course, in addition to the above program, learners watch a lot of academic talk sessions with Professor Naomi Miyake, Professor Yuki Honda and Associate professor Yuhei Yamauchi who have been not only doing remarkable research in each area but also teaching effectively.
These online courses on MOOC will be available for anyone including graduate school students, teachers of elementary schools to high schools and instructors who are working in corporations.

The latter "Face to face workshop" is a three day workshop conducted in Tokyo and is only available for 20 graduate school students who are eager to teach in universities in the near future. In this workshop, 20 graduate school students, who are selected from those who graduated from "Online course on MOOC, will be engaged in some group work and micro teaching(micro teaching is an organized teaching practice).

"Interactive Teaching" will provide the first "flipped classroom" style learning program related to "how to teach interactively"in Japan. The "flipped classroom" means a reversal of traditional teaching where students learn something by themselves at home, and then, in real classroom, teacher and students are engaged in intense discussion, debate and problem solving.

Those who finish all online courses on MOOC can acquire the certification from gacco. Those who finish the whole curriculum including the online course and the face to face workshop will be presented with certification.



3月27日、「活躍する組織人の探究 大学から企業へのトランジション」が、東京大学出版会より刊行されました。大学のキャリア教育、就職・採用関係者におすすめの内容です。高等教育と企業の人材マネジメントをつなごうとする「無茶?・無謀」な試みです。どうぞご笑覧下さい。


投稿者 jun : 2014年3月28日 06:12